Amazing Perú

On this 15 day journey you will experience much of what Peru is famous for.  Sit back and relax in the Glass top train while making your way to the Breathtaking Machu Picchu, Explore the Vibrant Markets of Cusco, wander the catacombs of the Monastery in Lima, this tour will be sure to delight.


Journey Highlights

  • Colca Canyon
  • Lake Titicaca
  • Raqchi Temple
  • Saqsayhuaman.
  • Cusco Day Tour
  • Salt Mine of Maras.
  • Sacred Valley of the Incas.
  • Ollantaytambo.
  • Ruins of Pisaq.
  • Scenic Glass-Top train to Machu Picchu.
  • Machu Picchu.



Day 01: Arrive Lima, Peru. aumentar actividades

Upon arrival into Lima, you will be collected from the airport and transferred to your hotel. The remainder of the day is at leisure.

  • Overnight in Lima.

Day 02: Lima – Arequipa

After breakfast, we transfer to the airport for your onward flight to Arequipa (flight cost not included). Nestled between the coast and the Southern highlands, Arequipa is the second largest city of Peru. Upon arrival you will be transferred to your hotel.

The afternoon in the “White City” starts with a guided walk to The Santa Catalina monastery, which harbors a complete city with houses, chapels, plazas and a cementery. This impresive religious monument is also a pictorical museum. We walk then to the Main Square, surrounded by many colonial portals  and the beautiful Cathedral. Finishing our afternoon we visit The Andean Sanctuary Museum where we will appreciate  “Juanita” a twelve years old Incan girl which is the best preserved of all the Inca mummies in the Andes; discovered at the top of the Ampato Volcano in 1995 by Dr. Johan Reinhard.

After a culturally enriching experience we return to the hotel.

Dinner at leisure.

  • Overnight in Arequipa.
  • Meals: Breakfast & Lunch.

Day 03: Arequipa – Colca. Aumentar mas texto corregido español falta ingles

Esta parte de nuestra aventura empieza dejando el majestuoso volcán misti, saliendo de la ciudad de Arequipa hacia el cañón del Colca; en ruta, realizaremos algunas paradas para deleitarnos con el delicado caminar de la Vicuña; auquénido que posee la fibra más fina del mundo, por lo que es conocido también como “El oro de los andes”, este espécimen en proceso de extinción es fácilmente visible en esta parte del territorio peruano. En este mismo hábitat veremos grupos de alpacas y llamas así como también guanacos en estado salvaje.

En ruta, las vistas llenan el alma, alegran nuestros sentidos y nos alertan a tener nuestras cámaras listas que  inmortalizarán esta maravillosa experiencia.
El punto más alto de nuestro viaje será el paso de patapampa ubicado a 4,900 m.s.n.m, aquí una mirada de 360 grados alrededor nos regalará el privilegio de apreciar el valle de los volcanes cuyas alturas sobrepasan los 6,000 metros, algunos de estos, se encuentran aún activos.

Luego descenderemos por un lapso de 45 minutos hasta la provincia de Chivay, donde almorzaremos y tendremos la oportunidad de visitar el mercado local y aprender de la cultura Collahua.

La tarde se acerca y es tiempo de llegar al hotel para nuestra cena y bien merecido descanso.

After an early breakfast, we depart Arequipa for Colca Canyon. A well-known trekking location, Colca Canyon is also the home of the giant Andean condor. On this spectacular drive we pass beautiful lagoons, stunning mountain ranges dotted with a plethora of wildlife. We pass remote traditional villages with terraced farming that predates the Incas, arriving at our hotel early evening.

  • Overnight in Colca
  • Meals: Breakfast and Box Lunch

Day 04: Colca Canyon – Cruz del Condor. corregido español falta traducir ingles 

A la luz de los primeros rayos del sol salimos con dirección al mirador del cóndor, en este lugar nos deleitaremos como nunca antes con el vuelo del majestuoso rey de los cielos “el cóndor Andino” este habitante de la cordillera de los andes con más de 3 metros de largo y 15 kilos aproximadamente, anida en las paredes rocosas del Cañón del Colca, considerado el segundo cañón más profundo del mundo con aproximadamente 4100 m. en su punto más distante.

Este paraje es ideal para aprender sobre la flora y fauna propias de la zona. Realizaremos una caminata de una hora aproximadamente  a lo largo del cañón y contemplar los magníficos paisajes de la  geografía de esta parte de Perú.

De retorno al hotel haremos algunas paradas breves en pequeños poblados y miradores panorámicos para apreciar las extensas terrazas agrícolas que alguna vez produjeron alimentos de alto valor nutritivo para los antiguos peruanos de la zona.

Luego del almuerzo tendremos la opción de realizar una caminata de 2 horas aproximadamente al complejo arqueológico de Uyo Uyo o simplemente tomar la tarde libre y relajarse en las aguas termo medicinales que el lugar ofrece.

We start this morning exploring Colca Canyon, the world’s second deepest canyon at approximately 4100m at its deepest point, and nearly twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. Take in these magnificent views and Pre Incan historical sites. The depth on the Canyon can truly be appreciated at our next stop, the Cruz Del Condor, A popular view point where Andean Condors can be seen most days throughout the year. From here we continue on to Puno via the town of Chivay – this final part of the day will take approximately 5 hours but is absolutely gorgeous with plenty of scenic lookouts and short stops along the way.

  • Overnight in Puno.
  • Meals: Breakfast and Boxed Lunch.
  • Today is by private vehicle.

Day 05: Colca – Sillustani – Puno.

Este tramo de la aventura en los andes peruanos le dará la oportunidad de disfrutar de coloridas vistas adornadas de llamas y alpacas junto a sus pastores, lagunas pintadas por grupos de flamencos, formaciones rocosas y una extensa meseta ubicada a casi 4000 m.s.n.m, a esta altura se encuentra Sillustani el cual alberga chullpas o tumbas con formas de cono invertido que podremos explorar y tomar las mejores fotos desde la parte más alta.

Sillustani fue un complejo funerario el cual nos permite ver una serie de impresionantes tumbas con piedras labradas de tamaños distintos, desde las más rusticas pertenecientes a la cultura pre Inca de los Collao, hasta los mausoleos con bloques de piedra finamente labradas y encajadas perfectamente, perteneciente a la cultura Inca. A estas Tumbas también se les conoce como Chullpas en el idioma quechua.

Desde este punto tenemos 40 minutos más de viaje hasta nuestro hotel en la ciudad altiplánica de Puno.

Cena por cuenta propia.

Day 06: Lake Titicaca, Uros and Taquile.

Today we discover two of Lake Titicaca’s famous islands, Uros and Taquile. After breakfast, we make our way to the group vessel and after a scenic 20 minute boat ride, arrive at the first of our stops – Uros. These floating islands are made up of Totora, a sand colored reed that grows around the edges of the lake, and are the home of the Uros people. We take a tour of the islands while our guide describes the history, lifestyle and traditions. After a scenic one and a half hour boat ride, we arrive at our next location – Taquile. An island mainly untouched by modern times, the Taquileños people still wear traditional clothing and the area is known for its high-quality textiles. After an enjoyful walk and a warm welcome, we learn about the daily activities and are privy to a local performance. You will have plenty of opportunity to peruse the island’s famous hand-woven textiles, considered some of Peru’s finest. Lunch is served in a local family house with a captivating view of the highest navigable lake of the world, it is like seeing an endless mirror of water.

The journey back to Puno in your shared boat takes aproximately one hour and half, then be transferred to your hotel.

  • Overnight in Puno.
  • Meals: Breakfast & Lunch.

Day 07: Lake Titikaka – Cusco. 

Early morning you will be collected from your hotel and transferred to the bus station where you will board the tour bus to Cusco and drive across the high Andes. Along the way you will stop at La Raya Pass which is the highest point between Puno and Cusco (4300 m.a.s.l – 14107 ft). From here we continue on to Raqchi, an Inca archeological site known as Temple of Wiracocha. Before our arrival at Cusco in the early evening, continue on to the Chapel of Andahuaylillas considered the Sistine Chapel of America. In this religious complex you will be overwhelmed by the magnificence of wood carvings, paintings, andean baroque decoration in gold leaf. 

Upon arrival into Cusco you will be met and transferred to your hotel

    • Overnight in Cusco.
    • Meals: Breakfast & lunch

* Private vehicle, flight or train ride options available – Ask your “NomadicPeru” Destination Specialist for details


Day 07: Cusco.

This morning starts with a guided walk through the enchanting former capital Inca empire.  We explore the Cathedral on the Plaza de Armas and the Qoricancha (Temple of the sun).  From here we make our way to the ruins of Sacsayhuaman. Located on a hill that overlooks the city, these ruins are another example of an imposing display of Incan architecture.  Compiled of massive stones, the largest of which is thought to weigh as much as 200 tons, these immense terrace walls were cut and placed with amazing precision and without a single drop of mortar to hold them in place. Afterwards we will enjoy a pleasant downhill walk leading us to San Blas traditional neighborhood which is known for sheltering the most outstanding artist in the entire region.

This tour can be tailored to suit your tastes.  Perhaps explore the shops and meander through the bustling market in Cusco, where the locals buy their produce or you may want to visit the workshop of a local weaver, a wonderful way to get an overview of Andean weaving (notice required to arrange).   

  • Overnight in Cusco.
  • Meals included: Breakfast & lunch.

Day 08: Chinchero – Moray – Maras. 

When the first rays of the “inti” (the sun) radiate, it is time to start new adventures. We headed to Chinchero situated at  3,780 masl. In this village the ancestral art of textile-making refuses to die in time offering us the privilege to learn from a local family the process and techniques of this art, from the spinning of the threads to the weaving of the finished iconic design depicting local passages and experiences of this unique culture.

Chinchero captivates with its cobblestone streets, its colonial church with its carefully preserved frescoes and extensive walls of polyhedrons forming agricultural terraces. In this community, as part of their tradition, women braid their fine hair as a sign of their marital status.

From here we continue on to Moray, an archaeological site known for its unusual circular terraces that at first glance, resembles ancient Greek or Roman amphitheaters.

An extraordinary feature of the site is the vast difference in temperature between the top and the bottom levels of the complex, leading researchers to believe that was possibly used by the Inca to study the effects of different climatic conditions on crops.

The pinnacle of our adventutre will be the spectacular salineras that have been around for hundreds of years and are still in use today. This site amazes us with its more than 4000 salt ponds, which crystralize trough the evaporation process, thus, obtaining the salt.

  • Hiking today optional – Approximately one, two or three hours. 
  • Overnight in the Sacred Valley of the Incas.

Meals: Breakfast & Lunch

Day 09: Ollantaytambo – Pisaq Ruins and Market. cambiar por oll pumamarca

Today we start our exploration of the Sacred Valley with a visit to Ollantaytambo, a formidable stone structure of immense terraces set into the mountain slopes – this was the site of the Incas’ greatest victory over the Spanish during the wars of conquest.

We visit the Ruins of Pisaq with their spectacular views of the valley and perhaps finish the day off at the well-known Pisaq market – enjoying the colorful displays of handcrafted items and silver jewelry while wandering down the bustling aisles.

  • Overnight in the Sacred Valley of the Incas.
  • Meals included: Breakfast and Lunch

Day 10: Machu Picchu. ok

After a leisurely breakfast you will be transferred to the train station and board the Scenic-Glass Top train to Machu Picchu, you will enjoy this journey which passes along the banks of the Urubamba River.  This train trip is considered to be one of the most beautiful short train trips in existence so make sure your camera battery is full!

Upon arrival at Aguas Calientes town we enjoy a lunch at a local restaurant  before setting off to explore the breathtaking Incan city.  Overlooking the Urubamba River Valley, this Ancient city was discovered hidden beneath the canopy of the trees by American explorer Hiram Bingham in 1911.  Built in the 15th century at the height of the Inca Empire, this designated UNESCO World Heritage site continues to awe and impress those around the world.

Our experience today will give us the chance to be at this wonder of the world when the weather is more pleasant and  less crowded.  

  • Overnight in Machu Picchu Village 
  • Meals included: Breakfast and Lunch

Day 11: Machu Picchu – Cusco. ok

After breakfast, we continue our exploration of the wonder of the world, in order to understand the spiritual, astronomical, religious and administrative meaning of Machu Picchu, this Vast Inca dwelling has a unique beauty due to its privileged location.

(Optional) Take a hike to Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain to enjoy spectacular views of the surrounding area. The morning is yours to explore these majestic ruins with your guide. 
Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant before we say goodbye to this magical ancient city, and make our way to Ollantaytambo by train and then drive back to Cusco.

Upon arrival you will be transferred to your hotel.

  • To hike any of the mountains we need to buy the tickets in advanced and it is subject to availability. (colocar asterisco en vez de viñeta)
  • Overnight in Cusco.
  • Meals included: Breakfast and Lunch   

Day 12: Cusco – Lima – Trujillo at leisure. revisar desde aqui

After breakfast you will be transferred to the airport for your onward flight to Trujillo (flights cost not included). Upon arrival our representative will meet you and escort you to your hotel. The remainder of the day at leisure

  • Overnight in Trujillo.
  • Meals included: Breakfast.

Day 13: ChanChan – Huaca (shrine) del sol y de la Luna – Huanchaco.

Trujillo, known as the city of the Eternal Spring, is located in the northern part of Peru and is the capital of the La Libertad region. The historic center is packed with impressive republic era mansions and the beautiful Plaza de Armes (Main Square). After a brief tour of the city, we head out to UNESCO World Heritage site of CHAN CHAN. This was the largest pre-Columbian city in the Americas and believed to be constructed around 850 AD. From here we continue on to La Huaca de la Luna – An adobe brick temple built by the Moche civilization between 100 -900 AD. After exploring Huaca de la luna, we head for a stroll along the beaches of Huanchaco, a popular vacation spot and known for the surf.

  • Overnight in Trujillo.
  • Meals included: Breakfast.

Day 14: Trujillo – Lima

After breakfast, you will be transferred for your onward flight to Lima (booked by yourself) where upon arrival you will be transferred to your hotel. A

After lunch, you will be collected by your tour guide and begin your “half day” tour taking in the “must see” sights of Lima.   Explore the Larco Museum, host to the best collection of private pre-Columbian art, visit the 16th century cathedral, time permitting perhaps stop at the local markets to explore their wares – Lima has much to offer.

Note – This tour can be customized so please be sure to advise us of any special interests you may have.

  • Overnight in Lima.
  • Meals included: Breakfast.

Day 15: Lima – End of travel arrangements

After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your onward flight.
End of travel arrangements



  • Accommodation
  • Meals where mentioned
  • Transfers where mentioned
  • Private touring as well as group touring 
  • Bus from Colca to Puno.
  • Boat tickets – Lake Titicaca.
  • Bus from Puno to Cusco.
  • Admission tickets to all the sites mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Single entry Admissions tickets to Machu Picchu where mentioned.
  • * Please note that once you exit the Park, a new ticket purchase is required to re enter.
  • Train tickets to Machu Picchu.
  • Bus tickets from Machu Picchu town up to the archeological site.


  • Travel Insurance.
  • Domestic Flights (please note these can be added for an additional cost).
  • International flights.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Gratuities.
  • Airport taxes. 
  • Anything that is not mentioned in the itinerary.



15 days. *Private service except in the city of Puno.

Twin Share Per Person: Starting from:

5413.00 USD

Minimum two guestsSingle supplement pricing available upon request.


Amazing Perú
Twin Share Per Person starting from: USD 5413.00
Minimum two guests. Single supplement pricing available upon request.